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Thing > Property > alignmentType

A category of alignment between the learning resource and the framework node. Recommended values include: 'assesses', 'teaches', 'requires', 'textComplexity', 'readingLevel', 'educationalSubject', and 'educationalLevel'.
Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types

Example 1
<!-- A lesson plan for US second grade teachers. -->
  <h1>Designing a treasure map</h1>
  <p>Resource type: lesson plan, learning activity</p>
  <p>Target audience: teachers</p>
  <p>Educational level: US Grade 2</p>
  <p>Link to lesson plan: <a href=""></a></p>
<!-- A lesson plan for US second grade teachers. -->
<div itemscope itemtype="">
    <h1 itemprop="name">Designing a treasure map</h1>
    <p>Resource type:
      <span itemprop="learningResourceType">lesson plan</span>,
      <span itemprop="learningResourceType">learning activity</span>
    <p>Target audience:
      <span itemprop="audience" itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="educationalRole">teacher</span></span>s.
    <p itemprop="educationalAlignment" itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="alignmentType">educationalLevel</span>:
        <span itemprop="educationalFramework">US Grade Levels</span>
        <span itemprop="targetName">2</span>
        <link itemprop="targetUrl" href="" />
    <p>Link to lesson plan: <a itemprop="url" href=""></a></p>
<!-- A list of the issues for a single volume of a given periodical. -->
<div vocab="" typeof="CreativeWork">
    <h1 property="name">Designing a treasure map</h1>
    <p>Resource type:
    <span property="learningResourceType"> lesson plan</span>,
    <span property="learningResourceType"> learning activity</span>
    <p>Target audience:
      <span rel="audience" typeof="EducationalAudience">
        <span property="educationalRole">teacher</span>s
    <p rel="educationalAlignment" typeof="AlignmentObject">
        <span property="alignmentType">educationalLevel</span>:
        <span property="educationalFramework">US Grade Levels</span>
        <span property="targetName">2</span>
        <span rel="targetUrl" resource=""></span>
    <p>Link to lesson plan: <a property="url" href=""></a></p>
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "CreativeWork",
  "name": "Designing a treasure map",
  "learningResourceType": [
    "lesson plan",
    "learning activity"
  "audience": {
    "@type": "EducationalAudience",
    "educationalRole": "teacher"
  "educationalAlignment": {
    "@type": "AlignmentObject",
    "alignmentType": "educationalLevel",
    "educationalFramework": "US Grade Levels",
    "targetName": "2",
    "targetUrl": {
      "@id": ""
  "url": ""
Example 2
    <h1>The Declaration of Arbroath</h1>
    <p>A lesson plan for teachers with associated video.
       Typical length of lesson, 1 hour.
       Recommended for children aged 10-12 years old.
    <p>Subject: Wars of Scottish independence</p>
    <p>Alignment to curriculum:</p>
            National Curriculum: KS 3 History: The middle ages (12th to 15th century)
            SCQF: Level 2
            Curriculum for Excellence: Social studies: people past events and societies
    <p>Link to lesson plan: <a href=""></a></p>
        <source src="" type="video/mp4" />
        Duration 03:12
    <p>This example is based on <a href="">Declaration of Arbroath</a> from BBC Bitesize</p>
<div itemscope itemtype="">
    <h1 itemprop="name">The Declaration of Arbroath</h1>
    <p>A <span itemprop="learningResourceType">lesson plan</span>
       for <span itemprop="audience"
                 itemscope itemtype="">
           <span itemprop="educationalRole">teacher</span></span>s with associated video.
       Typical length of lesson, <span itemprop="timeRequired" content="PT1H">1 hour</span>.
       Recommended for children aged <span itemprop="typicalAgeRange">10-12</span> years old.
    <p>Subject: <span itemprop="about">Wars of Scottish independence</span></p>
    <p>Alignment to curriculum:</p>
            <span itemprop="educationalAlignment"
                  itemscope itemtype="">
                <meta itemprop="alignmentType" content="educationalLevel" />
                <span itemprop="educationalFramework">National Curriculum</span>:
                <span itemprop="targetName">KS 3</span>
                <link itemprop="targetUrl" href="">
            <span itemprop="educationalAlignment"
                  itemscope itemtype="">
                <meta itemprop="alignmentType" content="educationalSubject" />
                <meta itemprop="educationalFramework" content="National Curriculum" />
                <span itemprop="targetName">History: The middle ages (12th to 15th century)</span>
                <link itemprop="targetUrl" href="">
            <span itemprop="educationalAlignment"
                  itemscope itemtype="">
                <meta itemprop="alignmentType" content="educationalLevel" />
                <span itemprop="educationalFramework">SCQF</span>:
                <span itemprop="targetName">Level 2</span>
                <link itemprop="targetUrl" href="">
            <span itemprop="educationalAlignment"
                  itemscope itemtype="">
                <meta itemprop="alignmentType" content="educationalSubject" />
                <span itemprop="educationalFramework"> Curriculum for Excellence</span>:
                <span itemprop="targetName">Social studies: people past events and societies</span>
                <link itemprop="targetUrl" href="">
    <p>Link to lesson plan: <a itemprop="url" href=""></a></p>
    <video itemprop="video" itemscope itemtype="">
        <source itemprop="url" src="" type="video/mp4">
        <span itemprop="name">Video Title</span>
        <span itemprop="description">Video description</span>
        <span itemprop="uploadDate">2000-01-01</span>
        <img itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="" alt="thumbnail" >
        Duration: <span itemprop="duration" content="PT3M12S">03:12</span>
    <p>This example is based on <a itemprop="isBasedOn" href="">Declaration of Arbroath</a> from BBC Bitesize</p>
<div vocab="" typeof="WebPage">
    <h1 property="name">The Declaration of Arbroath</h1>
    <p>A <span property="learningResourceType">lesson plan</span>
       for <span rel="audience"
           <span property="educationalRole">teacher</span></span>s with associated video.
       Typical length of lesson, <span property="timeRequired" content="PT1H">1 hour</span>.
       Recommended for children aged <span property="typicalAgeRange">10-12</span> years old.
    <p>Subject: <span property="about">Wars of Scottish independence</span></p>
    <p>Alignment to curriculum:</p>
            <span rel="educationalAlignment"
                <meta property="alignmentType" content="educationalLevel" />
                <span property="educationalFramework">National Curriculum</span>:
                <span property="targetName">KS 3</span>
                <link property="targetUrl" href="" />
            <span rel="educationalAlignment"
                <meta property="alignmentType" content="educationalSubject" />
                <meta property="educationalFramework" content="National Curriculum" />
                <span property="targetName">History: The middle ages (12th to 15th century)</span>
                <link property="targetUrl" href="" />
            <span rel="educationalAlignment"
                <meta property="alignmentType" content="educationalLevel" />
                <span property="educationalFramework">SCQF</span>:
                <span property="targetName">Level 2</span>
                <link property="targetUrl" href="" />
            <span rel="educationalAlignment"
                <meta property="alignmentType" content="educationalSubject" />
                <span property="educationalFramework"> Curriculum for Excellence</span>:
                <span property="targetName">Social studies: people past events and societies</span>
                <link property="targetUrl" href="" />
    <p>Link to lesson plan: <a property="url" href=""></a></p>
    <video rel="video" typeof="">
        <source property="url" src="" type="video/mp4" />
        <span property="name">Video Title</span>
        <span property="description">Video description</span>
        <span property="uploadDate">2000-01-01</span>
        <img property="thumbnailUrl" src="" alt="thumbnail" />
        Duration: <span property="duration" content="PT3M12S">03:12</span>
    <p>This example is based on <a property="isBasedOn" href="">Declaration of Arbroath</a> from BBC Bitesize</p>
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context":  "",
  "@type": "WebPage",
  "name": "The Declaration of Arbroath",
  "about": "Wars of Scottish independence",
  "learningResourceType": "lesson plan",
  "timeRequired": "PT1H",
  "typicalAgeRange": "10-12",
  "audience": {
      "@type": "EducationalAudience",
      "educationalRole": "teacher"
  "educationalAlignment": [
      "@type": "AlignmentObject",
      "alignmentType": "educationalSubject",
      "educationalFramework": " Curriculum for Excellence",
      "targetName": "Social studies: people past events and societies",
      "targetUrl": ""
      "@type": "AlignmentObject",
      "alignmentType": "educationalLevel",
      "educationalFramework": "SCQF",
      "targetName": "Level 2",
      "targetUrl":  ""
      "@type": "AlignmentObject",
      "alignmentType": "educationalLevel",
      "educationalFramework": "National Curriculum",
      "targetName": "KS 3",
      "targetUrl": ""
      "@type": "AlignmentObject",
      "alignmentType": "educationalSubject",
      "educationalFramework": "National Curriculum",
      "targetName": "History: The middle ages (12th to 15th century)",
      "targetUrl" : ""
  "url" : "",
  "video": {
    "@type": "VideoObject",
    "description": "Video description",
    "duration": "PT3M12S",
    "name": "Video Title",
    "thumbnailUrl": "",
    "uploadDate": "2000-01-01",
    "url" : ""
  "isBasedOn": ""