An associated logo.
This term uses terminology from the GoodRelations Vocabulary for E-Commerce, created by Martin Hepp. GoodRelations is a data model for sharing e-commerce data on the Web. More information about GoodRelations can be found at http://purl.org/goodrelations/.
<h1>ACME Hotel Innsbruck</h1>
<img src="../media/logo.png" alt="hotel logo" />
<span>A beautifully located business hotel right in the
heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while
enjoying your morning coffee.</span>
<img src="../media/hotel_front.png" alt="Front view of the hotel" />
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Hotel">
<h1><span itemprop="name">ACME Hotel Innsbruck</span></h1>
<img itemprop="logo" src="../media/logo.png" alt="hotel logo" />
<span itemprop="description">A beautifully located business hotel right in the
heart of the alps. Watch the sun rise over the scenic Inn valley while
enjoying your morning coffee.</span>
<img itemprop="photo" src="../media/hotel_front.png" alt="Front view of the hotel" />
This example is in microdata only.
This example is in microdata only.